Marketing Blog
Improve Your Online Healthcare Marketing

A Revolutionary Approach to Local SEO for Dentists & Orthodontists
Imagine a nice large lake and you want to catch some fish. So, you drop a line in the water and wait. Sooner or later you pull in a fish. Now imagine that there is someone else on the same lake with you. They have dropped a dozen lines in various locations around the lake. Who is likely to catch more fish?

The Science Behind Effective Persuasion
The Primal vs Logical Brain Have you and your team ever tried to integrate a new service into the practice only to have it go by the wayside after a few weeks? Well, you aren’t alone...over 80% of new product and service introductions fail! According to Professor...

6 Crucial Elements Dental Websites Must Have in 2022 & Beyond
As a healthcare provider, your website is not just an informational piece about you & your services. It is an extension of your physical practice and is held to a higher standard. Beyond the effectiveness of your design & content, there are legal considerations to be had. Below are the crucial elements any healthcare website must have in place.

Practice Rebound Strategy Guide
Right now, as this blog post is being written, the COVID pandemic is ongoing, offices are closed and every practice needs a plan. Our experience with nearly 1,000 orthodontic and dental practices has revealed that when a practice is in turmoil, there are 4 key strategies you can use to do more than just survive.

You’re Right! Half your marketing doesn’t work. Now let’s fix that…
The current model for how people/patients make decisions is WRONG! For over 100 years marketers have assumed that a person recognizes they have a problem → initiates a search for a solution → evaluates alternatives → makes a logical decision → and then makes the purchase. Their experience with the product/service then makes them a loyal fan, or not. This is your standard decision model and it’s the gold standard for all marketing philosophies.

Who is BrilliantDoc and why should I care?
“As a practice owner, what frustrates me most is marketing. I know half of it isn’t working and I’m wasting a lot of money, but I don’t know what to cut or change. I should be seeing more growth for the money I’m spending. I haven’t even really tackled online marketing yet. I just get reviews and have a team member post occasionally to Facebook like I’m supposed to. It’s so overwhelming, I don’t even know where to start.”